A Perfect Gift For Christmas

by Susan Nikitenko

A Perfect Gift For Christmas

Tired, weary from trav'ling;
Homeless and on their own.
Needing so, a place of rest;
They felt so alone.

Mother with child, suffering;
Needing a place to lay.
The new born king would come;
Born to the world that day.

No room was found in the inn;
No shelter from the night.
But God provided a star;
And many followed the light.

Though it seemed a need unmet;
God provided that day.
A stable, a manger bed;
And a soft place to lay.

He sent angels to shepherds;
To announce this great birth.
A birthday celebration;
The day God came to earth.

Emmanuel was His name;
The Christ, the new born King.
Jesus, promised child of God;
A perfect offering.

God provided the angels;
God provided the praise.
Glory to God in the highest;
The greatest of birthdays.

If God so celebrated;
The birth of Christ the King.
If angels glorified Him;
And many heard them sing.

If wise men followed the star;
Baring gifts of great worth.
Should we not celebrate;
The day that Christ came to earth?

Is He not worth the honor?
For He was born for us.
Wasn't He a beautiful gift;
A perfect gift for Christmas?

Our lights and our candles;
Our carolers praising.
Our pageantries of Christmas;
Our instruments raising.

The bells and the whistling;
Joyful songs always sung.
And Christmas decorations;
Swooping, twinkling and swung.

The evergreen and it's lights;
The Christmas story read.
A birthday celebration;
A cake of gingerbread.

If wise men followed the star;
Baring gifts of great worth.
Should we not celebrate;
The day that Christ came to earth?

Is He not worth the honor?
For He was born for us.
Wasn't He a beautiful gift;
A perfect gift for Christmas?

by: Susan Y. Nikitenko
December 20th, 2010

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