A Letter to the Church

by Douglas Freeman
(Angie, Louisiana)

God I need some help, to be quite honest I need a break
These people are driving me crazy, it is almost more than I can take
Perhaps some place better, some where else instead
Just look at these lines in my face, and the gray hair on my head
I thought that was what family was for, I thought I understood
God might you send me somewhere else, please God if you could
How many times these words, have entered my mind
And since God knows our every thought, I figured it was time
To share what God has made known, to even a rascal like me
This is the place, I am suppose to be
That is bad news, I know you hoped for better
But you are stuck with me, till He tells me to move my letter
Now I know I'm not James, or Peter, nor am I a Paul
But it looks like were are in it together, for the long haul
Let's look at this thing positively, through the eyes of God if we might
For it is God Who has given us, the gift of sight
God must really love you all, it's plain to see
To give ya'll someone special, special like me
To teach you patience, and forgiveness, for what more could you ask
He must have known, you were up to the task
And yes, He must love me too
For He gave me, each of you
And for what it is worth, there is no place I would rather be
And the truth is, they probably would not even have me
And thanks be to God, holy, righteous, and true
For placing me here, with each of you
Yours Truly Douglas Freeman

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Nov 22, 2013
Preacher It, Brother, Preacher It.
by: Charles Robey

I really like your article. And I am really concerned with our modern day church. We just need go back to the "old time religion" Where's the true full time gospel preaching (1 Cor 15:1-4)? Where's the old fashion alters?

Please let me share just an excerpt from my recent "Preachology" article on the church.

Let us start this discussion by giving a church scenario. Here we have a church which is now more concerned with gaining “stuff” than with winning souls. No longer is this church interested in great revivals, because they are only interested in their own comfort. The congregation is just playing church, as the entire process is just a ritual with no true relationship to the "full gospel" (1 Cor 15:1-4). And the people have become self-sufficient.

And mainly, Jesus is left outside knocking on the door to get in. This church has completely missed the point that Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus and has nothing to do with religious ritual; thus it has become lukewarm (Revelation 3:17). Does this church synopsis sound familiar? Do you know such a church? Better still, do you attend such a church?

Well, this church outline is taken from the Laodicea church, as given in (Revelation 3:14-22) . However, it's agenda certainly could parallel today's modern churches.

May God Bless you and your true church.
Charles Robey

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