A Christmas Gift From Heaven

by Susan Nikitenko

You are greater than our greatest enemy.
You are greater than all the great galaxies.
Yet your love still flows to a very small world;
And you've given of yourself, though you are Lord.

Your voice can be gentle in the morning light;
Or loud like a storm on a thundering night.
Your goodness like a river flows freely to all;
And your mercy like snowflakes on mankind fall.

More than wonderful are all your miracles;
And all your ways are musically lyrical.
Songs are written that praise and proclaim your name;
And all those that find you are never the same.

You were the greatest gift, born on Christmas day;
And the answer, for those seeking the only way.
Though stars light the sky with a beautiful wave.
You are the beautiful light, seeking to save.

A Christmas gift from heaven given long ago;
A gift that keeps on giving from heavens flow.
A small package wrapped in human flesh divine;
You became salvation for all humankind.

No expression of love has ever been shown.
No mercy or goodness, so true, ever known.
Than the day you came to earth and left your thrown;
Born to die, one day for those undone if alone.

You are a Christmas miracle from heaven;
Without you we could never be forgiven.
Your hand is reaching out to all, while you call;
Your love is drifting down a gentle snowfall.

Though our sins be many and spots untold;
When one looks to you Lord, He will behold.
A life that's been washed much whiter than snow;
A forgiveness from heaven, just waiting to know.

A Christmas gift from heaven given long ago;
A gift that keeps on giving from heavens flow.
A small package wrapped in human flesh divine;
You became salvation for all humankind.

By: Susan Nikitenko
December 10th, 2011

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